“I tried therapy/counseling.”

Did you really?

It’s interesting to hear friends who’ve met with a therapist 3-4 times (sometimes even less) make this statement regarding situations it’s taken years to create.  If you’re considering or are new to therapy, understand it is a process of unveiling, implementation, reinforcement, and repetition; and that simply doesn’t happen in a blink of an eye.

Therapists are just like any other healthcare provider. Find one who meets your needs and stick with them.  Refrain from beating oneself up if you don’t “get it” right away. Reversing habits and forming a new one requires time.  Remember you’re worth it. Whatever your “it” is, it’s worth it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have sought services in the first place.

Peace of mind. Healthier relationships. Your marriage. More effective communication. Becoming the parent you want to be, not the one you had. Exploring roadblocks to professional endeavors. Healing from trauma. Taking control over life. Walking purposefully. Yes, all are worth it…

I am accepting new clients, give me a call.

Dr. Gilmore