“I tried therapy/counseling.”

Did you really? It’s interesting to hear friends who’ve met with a therapist 3-4 times (sometimes even less) make this statement regarding situations it’s taken years to create.  If you’re considering or are new to therapy, understand it is a process of unveiling, implementation, reinforcement, and repetition; and that simply doesn’t happen in a blink …

If I had to raise my child over again…

If I had to raise all over again, I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later. I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less. I would do less correcting and more connecting. I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes. I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play. I would run through …

Becoming Emotionally Intelligent

I recently had the pleasure of speaking about aspects of emotional intelligence at the 8th Annual MADLINEMAN Youth Football Camp to a crowd of energized athletes, supportive family members, and dedicated coaches.  Yes, these coaches are doing the work to equip their players with character tools they’ll use for life, both on and off the field.  …

The Pass Over

As the sun begins to rise and shine in Houston and over Cypress, my heart is filled with gratitude. I’m so grateful to see the dawning of a new day. So grateful. The sun broke through the clouds yesterday, a few hours before sunset and when I saw it my heart leaped with joy. “You’re …

Perspective is Important

I’ve written about perspectives and thoughts before and I will continue to do so because they can either propel us towards the change we desire or render us stagnant and deceivingly powerless. Perspective is important. It has the ability to alter our mood, decisions, and behaviors.  Our thoughts lead to action.  Despite your present situation, …


    “Write the vision and make it plain.”  Habakkuk 2:1 Devise a plan and stay focused.  Revisit this plan as often as needed. The plan is your guide, a focal point, a gauge to use to measure whether you are still on track or if you’ve deviated from purpose.  Pray, seek, do. Repeat. Take care, …


What does it mean to stand out?  How would that look for you? How comfortable are you in your skin, with your uniqueness?  How often do you find yourself conforming into someone else’s uncomfortable mold you were never created to fit in? Do you actually know who you are?  If not, it’s time to find out. …

Life Without Limit

Ever heard the saying, “the sky is the limit?” When I took this photo, I thought “I don’t see a limit, I see endless possibilities.” Can you look beyond the trees which may appear to be blocking your view and see passed them?  Opportunities surround you, choose to see them. Life is about perspective. Take …

The Importance of Togetherness

Being connected to one another is vital to our ability to thrive in this life. When you allow yourself to be known and to know others you welcome the opportunity for change and growth to transpire. I truly believe being in relationship is like holding up a mirror. In this reflection, if we’re honest, we …